September 21 2022

Advice and inspiration from multifamily leaders including: Angela Flick, VP Strategic Solutions, Mack Property Management; Christi Weinstein, VP Strategic Support Solutions, BH Management Services, LLC; and Joya Pavesi, EVP Marketing and Strategy, RKW Residential.


A post by Women of Funnel celebrating American Business Women’s Day and uplifting multifamily leaders we are honored to partner with at Funnel. 

As the Women of Funnel organization — an internal employee-led group that aims to empower women, strengthen women’s voices, and inspire continual career growth — it was natural to reach out to women, and Funnel clients, whom we admire and are thrilled to work with.

We asked each of them two questions: What advice would you give to other women in business (or interested in joining the world of business), and who is another woman who inspires you? Their advice is powerful, and their tributes to the women who inspire them are heartfelt. We are proud to uplift their voices in celebration of American Business Woman’s Day. Without further ado, their answers:

Angela Flick, VP of Strategic Solutions, Mack Property Management


#1. Advice to other women in business (or interested in joining the world of business) 

“Whether you’re in business or looking to get into business; don’t limit yourself to what you think you know or what you think others see as your skill set. Dig into your passions and so many great things can happen! Trust your gut and follow your intuition,” said Flick. “When dealing with people, always remember they are human, and so are you. Connection becomes a lot more authentic that way. Finally, boundaries aren’t weaknesses. Be firm in who you are, set the boundaries that will protect the integrity of who you want to be.”

“Boundaries aren’t weaknesses. Be firm in who you are, set the boundaries that will protect the integrity of who you want to be.”

— Angela Flick, Vice President of Strategic Solutions, Mack Property Management

#2. Women who inspire you 

“This one was so hard, because so many women in different ways inspire me! On a “famous” level, I’m in awe of Brene Brown,” said Flick. “Her constant commitment to authenticity and vulnerability is a reminder to us all about what to keep at the forefront of both our personal and professional journeys in life.”

“On a personal note, I am so inspired by my grandmothers. Although they aren’t with us any longer, they both contributed so greatly to the joy I know is in my genetic make-up,” said Flick. “My dad’s mom taught me patience and my mom’s mom taught me prayer. I couldn’t be more grateful for the legacies they left for me to live by.”

“I’m in awe of Brene Brown. Her constant commitment to authenticity and vulnerability is a reminder to us all about what to keep at the forefront of both our personal and professional journeys in life.”

— Angela Flick, Vice President of Strategic Solutions, Mack Property Management

Christi Weinstein, VP of Strategic Support Solutions, BH Management Services, LLC


#1. Advice to other women in business (or interested in joining the world of business)

“I immediately think of my young daughters and what I would tell them. I would tell them to jump in with both feet first but hold on for a wild ride! Align your strengths and your passion with your personal mission and you will find success, because after all, YOU get to define what success looks like for YOU.” said Weinstein. “Don’t spend time comparing yourself to others, there is only one of you – embrace your value and don’t question your abilities. Always choose the challenge, if you’re not being challenged, you’re not learning or growing – allow yourself the ability to make mistakes and take risks.”

“When times are tough, I also tell my daughters to repeat the phrase, ‘I am strong, I am capable, and I am deserving.’ This has been a powerful mantra in our house,” said Weinstein. “I often find myself leaning into these words when I need to adjust my mindset.”

“When times are tough, I also tell my daughters to repeat the phrase, ‘I am strong, I am capable, and I am deserving.’ This has been a powerful mantra in our house,” said Weinstein. “I often find myself leaning into these words when I need to adjust my mindset.”

— Christi Weinstein, Vice President of Strategic Support Solutions, BH Management Services, LLC

#2. Women who inspire you 

“I have been incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by amazing women in my family and career over the years. When I reflect on the early years of my career, I had the pleasure of working with a woman named Sheila Padilla. She was a Community Manager at one of the first communities I ever worked at and she had BIG impact on what leadership looked like to me,” said Weinstein. “What I witnessed and lessons I learned from her I try and carry forward to this day many years later. She was unapologetically strong, there were no “I” statements, there were “we” statements because we were a team and we made decisions and we made mistakes. Through her leadership style she built trust and loyalty, and allowed for creativity and fun in the workplace, after all, we were often together as a group more than we were with our family and friends. Most of all I remember how Sheila made me feel. I felt empowered to make suggestions, decisions, and try new things. With Sheila’s support, I felt like I could do anything because she would be there no matter the outcome. Thank you, Sheila, for being an incredible influence!”

“Most of all I remember how Sheila made me feel. I felt empowered to make suggestions, decisions, and try new things. With Sheila’s support, I felt like I could do anything because she would be there no matter the outcome.” 

— Christi Weinstein, Vice President of Strategic Support Solutions, BH Management Services, LLC

Joya Pavesi, EVP of Marketing and Strategy, RKW Residential


#1. Advice to other women in business (or interested in joining the world of business)

“There are three pieces of advice I’d share with women in business:

#1. Lean into your natural talents and establish a reputation for yourself early in your career. Consider how you would want to be described by others – dependable, collaborative, strategic, creative, etc… Whatever the adjectives, your actions define how you are perceived. 

#2. Establishing a great reputation will set you up with career champions — people in your corner — that can help you grow and succeed.

#3. Welcome diplomatic debate and surround yourself with people who see things differently. This will challenge your thinking and keep you learning and growing. As you progress through your career and move into greater roles or leadership positions, beware of imposter syndrome.”

“Welcome diplomatic debate and surround yourself with people who see things differently. This will challenge your thinking and keep you learning and growing. As you progress through your career and move into greater roles or leadership positions, beware of imposter syndrome.”

— Joya Pavesi, EVP Marketing and Strategy, RKW Residential

 #2. Women who inspire you 

“While it may seem cliché, my mother inspires me. She raised six children and had a career. While she put a lot of focus on her kids and work, she also traveled with my father regularly and enjoyed her own hobbies,” said Pavesi. “All six kids played multiple sports, and she volunteered when and where she was able. She upheld Italian family traditions and made holidays and birthdays special. She is a great example of balance.”

“She raised six children and had a career. While she put a lot of focus on her kids and work, she also traveled with my father regularly and enjoyed her own hobbies…She is a great example of balance.”

— Joya Pavesi, EVP Marketing and Strategy, RKW Residential

Uplift and strengthen

As Women of Funnel we are proud to work with and learn from the women featured above, and so many more. We are also grateful that they are allowing us to uplift their voices as we learn to strengthen our own. Learn more about Funnel’s culture. 


About Women of Funnel

As an internal organization of Funnel, we aim to empower our fellow women, strengthen each other’s voices, and inspire continual career growth. We help one another take risks, ask questions, and collaborate with others to reach higher goals. We pursue learning opportunities and celebrate one another’s successes.