August 14 2024

See why 8 of the top 25 operators trust an AI assistant over an AI agent

Everyone’s talking about AI, and how AI will, or will not change the world as we know it. 

One thing is for sure: with the advancements of generative AI and large language models stand-alone AI products are becoming a commodity. AI must enhance complex systems like a CRM, rather than operate alone in a vacuum to be meaningful to your business. 

Did you know that Funnel’s AI solution, often called the VLA stands for Virtual Leasing Assistant?

It’s different from all the stand-alone virtual agents and AI solutions that other companies built to replace your team. 

Why the AI agent vs. AI assistant approach is flawed

Their fatal flaw is that they silo conversations with prospects and residents in a separate solution, creating a disconnected customer experience. With this set-up, teams are unable to tell if AI is engaging with a prospect, and have to jump back and forth between different software solutions to try to piece together information or (more likely) let drop it through the cracks. 

Why you want an AI assistant

At Funnel, we take a different approach, our AI assistant works alongside your teams to create one source of truth: the guestcard in your multifamily CRM

With our generative AI virtual leasing assistant, each of your team members gains a personal executive assistant to free them up for high-value interactions by helping field repetitive questions and book tours in a way that renters (and teams) love.

Give your teams an assist

Funnel’s AI doesn’t replace jobs, it replaces job postings. It’s designed to alleviate the workload of overworked teams, save property owners and managers money, and thrill renters who are looking for their next home, or renewing their lease. 

Learn more about our AI products by taking a product tour, and on our AI Assistant product page.